來自義大利頂級巧克力-艾美黛 The ultimate luxury chocolate-Amedei

Amedei Chocolate 艾美黛巧克力可是號稱愛馬仕界的巧克力呢!!! 我大概8年前就知道這個牌子,全是託一位到義大利蜜月旅行, 結果買太少回台灣的一位友人的福, 因為她自己吃不夠, 台灣又沒賣這牌子, 於是請我有去意大利旅行的時候幫她帶一些回來, 當然我幫她帶了很多, 因為我自己也很愛這牌子. 我要趕快去跟朋友說: 誒誒誒~Amedei有聽到你的呼喚, 台灣已經有代理商代理進來了, 不用到處託人從義大利帶回來. 或許我們穿戴不起愛馬仕, 至少可以吃吃愛馬仕界的巧克力.

世界紛紛擾擾, 有時候真的好不平靜. 唯有坐下來喝口溫潤的單品咖啡, 同時細細品嚐一片苦甘巧克力, 把自己的心沈澱下來, 才能放慢腳步重新思考. 所謂的慢活就是這個道理啊!

I know the Amedei Chocolate about 8 years ago while I lived in London. One of my friend from Taiwan found this incredible chocolate on her honeymoon in Italy. Unfortunately, she only took a few bars with her to home and could not find any Amedei chocolate in Taiwan. She asked me if I had any chance to travel Italy, can I bring some for her. Of course I can and I totally love this chocolate a lot. After 8 years, we finally have Amedei in town.

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