加拿大COBS麵包店的薑糖司康 Gingerbread scones from Cobs bread,canada

到加拿大旅遊期間, 吃了滿多間麵包店的司康, 不論是獨立小店或是連鎖烘焙的配方, 大家的司康共同點就是外表看起來很乾硬(其實還沒入口前我很怕自己會噎死吃) 其實吃起來口感乾爽之中帶點濕潤鬆軟,奶香麵粉香在嘴裡跳動著, 什麼果醬或是clotted cream都顯得多餘, 讓我ㄧ吃驚為天人的愛上. 圖片中為加拿大連鎖麵包店Cobs的聖誕季節限定薑糖司康, 其實他們還有肉桂司康也讓我好愛喔!!!

This is the only food that I miss from Canada, Cobs gingerbread scone and cinnamon scone. Can anyone bring some for me. I found out all the scones that I had in Canada are all moist rather than dry which I like it so so so much. Any Canadian can share your ultimate scone recipe with me? I’ll appreciate.

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